Composition of BOD & Committees

Corporate Governance at Godavari Drugs Limited believes in building an open relationship with shareholders by following adequate supervision in the company’s business activities. We believe in building trust around the values of openness, integrity a nd accountability in all our dealings.

At Godavari Drugs Limited, we believe in adequately and efficiently managing our chosen businesses to maximize shareholder value.


Audit Committee

The Audit committee meets regularly to review management and accounts of the company every quarter. The committee also recommends appointment and fees of auditor’s and discusses the scope and program for internal audit with the management and statutory auditors along with reviewing the adequacy of the company’s internal control system.

The audit committee at Godavari Drugs Limited consists of:

Shareholder and Investor Grievance Committee

he Shareholder Investor Grievance Committee reviews the existing investor redressal system and suggests measures for improving the shareholder experience. This committee also considers and takes on record the certificate from a practicing company secretary under SEBI Regulations.

The committee considers the appointment or reappointment of registrars and share transfer agents. It also reviews the terms and conditions of their appointment, remuneration and service charges.

The committee meets regularly to consider and take on record the secretarial Audit Certificate issued by a practicing company secretary, or chartered accountant certifying that the aggregate number of equity shares held in depositories and in physical form tally with the total number of shares issued, listing and admitted share capital.

The committee consists of:

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The committee consists of: